Question: Hello I purchased Bouj'ie Girl Hair and I wanted to know how long does the hair last, and can I repeatly use this hair? Tiffany M. Wisconsin
Answer: Thank you Ms. Tiffany for your purchase, I get that alot Bouj'ie Girl Hair is very fine quality hair and can be used repeatly and has shown to last at least 8 months to one year sometimes longer with proper care, thank you and Be Bouj'ie...
Question: I wanted to purchase your Brazillian straight hair for a sew in, but I didn't know how many bundles I would need can you give me any suggestions? Amber T. Florida
Answer: Thank you for your inquiry I believe that three bundles should be enough to accomplish your goals. I suggest three because some people like a lot of full hair and some do not, however if you don't you can use the extra hair as filler hair, which you may need as your sew in gets older. Thank you I hope this was helpful and Be Bouj"ie...
Question: Can you please tell me the difference between Indian and Brazilian hair, I am confused on which one to purchase? Kiesha B. Chicago
Answer: Thank you Kiesha I get that question all the time and my professional opinion is that Brazilian hair has less sheen and is a perfect match for traditional African American hair. When I wear Bouj'ie Girl Brazilian hair people never can tell that I have extensions in unless i want them to know. My hair is natural and it blends very welll with the Brazilian extensions. The Bouj'ie Girl Indian hair is excellent hair it is very soft and has great manageability it gives a more ethic look. Kiesha if you have anymore question please email me again thanks and don't forget to Be Bouj'ie....